What Makes Our Financial Services Consulting Different?

Your technology providers have hundreds, even thousands of clients. While you may only have a few enterprise technology providers, sometimes only one. A true partnership with these mission-critical providers enables your financial institution to differentiate your institution from the competition. Arriba Advisors brings a fresh approach to bank and credit union technology vendor evaluation, selection and contract negotiations. We have years experience inside the financial technology space, giving us unique insight into building strong vendor relationships. Now, it’s our job to ensure you make strategic decisions the benefit your long-term growth and budget.

We Guarantee Our Financial Institution Advisory Services

After spending our entire careers in sales and executive leadership at fintech firms, we know what motivates a technology provider to become a great partner. Our backgrounds make us uniquely qualified to help you build a foundation for success. We are the only firm serving the industry that offers a satisfaction guarantee to every one of our clients.

200+ Years of Fintech Experience

The Arriba Advisors’ team has more than 200 years of cumulative experience in executive and sales roles with financial technology providers. We spent these years on their side of the bargaining table, so we understand their cultures, solutions, service capabilities and reputations.

Unique Insight

into how technology vendors approach contract negotiation–that means we understand how to create winning outcomes for both parties

A Strong Network

with major financial technology companies and a deep understanding of vendor capabilities, roadmaps and any potential risks

In-depth Knowledge

of all major core and digital platform capabilities

Financial Independence

from vendors, and we will always disclose any business relationships we have with considered financial technology vendors

Having Arriba Advisors as your advocate at the bargaining table creates a negotiating advantage and foundation for successful, lasting vendor relationships. We take pride in creating positive, win-win partnerships with our clients, and our executive-level relationships are routinely leveraged to help bring difficult negotiations to a favorable conclusion for our clients and their vendors.

Find out more about what makes Arriba Advisors different. Contact our team.