Partnering with a trusted financial services consultant who can guide you through the tactical elements of multi-million dollar contracts and complex vendor decisions will help level the playing field. The Arriba Advisors team of fintech advisors has the knowledge and expertise to protect your financial institution’s best interests and ensure you select a technology vendor that meets your needs and grows your organization.
Your financial institution is under increasing pressure to understand and address vendor compliance and potential risks. FFIEC examination guidelines mandate a regular review of all key vendor relationships, and failing to comply leads to poor examination reports and is a time consuming process for busy executives.
Having financial services consultants with deep knowledge of vendor review and compliance requirements can reduce risks and enable your valuable executives and staff to focus on growth and profitability.
Take the stress and contention out of enterprise-wide vendor decisions. Leverage our financial advisory services to make objective, data-driven vendor evaluation and selection decisions. We’re here to provide a clear analytical framework, within the boundaries of project timelines and budgets, so your financial institution can focus on making a well-informed, objective decision using a transparent process agreed to in advance by stakeholders.